With just a single box, extend any mix of analog voice, sub-rate data, multiple T1s, Fast Ethernet, data and video surveillance over a TDM, fiber, SONET, SHDSL or IP/MPLS backbone. RAD’s multiservice access multiplexers offer cost-effective backhaul of substation, oil rig or railway communications, coupled with central-site aggregation and central management of the entire network. Preserve legacy investments and gain a clear migration path to Next Generation Networks without the need for forklift upgrades.
Currently deployed by power, oil and gas, pipeline and water utilities as well as railways and other transportation agencies worldwide, RAD’s multiservice access solutions offer highly reliable connectivity to meet the most stringent quality requirements.
Any Traffic over Any Backbone: Aggregate and transport all types of traffic including sub-rate data, multiple T1s, Fast Ethernet and data over TDM, SONET, SHDSL or IP/MPLS backbones.
Single Device: Reduce your CapEx and OpEx with a single aggregation device for multiple services at your central site and remote locations.
Management: End-to-end management and diagnostics from a central location via SNMP, Telnet or ASCII terminal.
Standard-Compliant: With utility communications standard IEEE C.37.94 to meet Teleprotection requirements.
Future-Proof: Migrate to IP/MPLS backbone in the future, by simply replacing the network card in the central site aggregation unit.
Redundancy: Ensure network resiliency with redundancy on user and network links, power supply and common logic.
Suitable for extended temperature ranges and immune to interference.
Long-term product support: An evolutionary approach to lifecycle management ensures continued support for legacy services and seamless introduction of NGN technologies.